US Olympic Training Facility exterior face and open area
US Olympic Training Facility olympic circles
US Olympic Training Facility sculpture garden sign
US Olympic Training Facility triathalon sign
US Olympic Training Facility with bowling element
US Olympic Training Facility visitors sign
US Olympic Training Facility exterior monument
US Olympic Training Facility hurdles area
US Olympic Training Facility

Colorado Springs, Colorado
The U.S. Olympic Complex is the headquarters for the U.S. Olympic Committee administration and the Olympic Training Center programs. In 1997, the USOC officially dedicated and opened its new $23.8 million, state-of-the-art facility to offer athletes training for the Olympic a sports medicine and sport science center, the USOC Sports Hall of Fame and two residence halls all on one campus. The USOC is able to provide housing, dining, recreational facilities and other services for up to 557 coaches and athletes at one time. D|G Studios provided both Environmental Graphic Design and Exhibit Design services to develop a highly thematic and colorful program for the campus. Using interactive kiosks, the Hall of Fame allows visitors to find out what athletes have trained at the Center from their home town and to leave them encouraging messages. On the exterior, an interpretive signage program explains the ins and outs of various Olympic sporting events and provides information on records and personalities associated with that sport.

US Olympic Committee